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Turkish orgin bauxite ore 55% - minimum 52,00%

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32 USD
Country: Turkey
City: Kocaeli

When having questions on Turkish orgin bauxite ore 55% - minimum 52,00%, please send your inquury!

note_add 13/11/2018
update 13/11/2018
remove_red_eye 669
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Offer Description - Turkish orgin bauxite ore 55% - minimum 52,00%

Our Bauxite Ore is classified as monohydrated and the minerals are gibbsite and diasporite. There can be a slight percentage of boehmite as well. 
Bauxite Ore from Turkey has a typical technical specification as following:
Total AL2O3: >52%
Total SiO2: 7% max
Fe2O3: 21% max
Moisture. 6%
Size: 0-100mm

$ask, 00  per Metric Ton FOB of Port Antalya ,  port Ä°skenderun or MuÄŸla, Turkey. Payment by letter of credit at sight, transferrable, alienable, confirmed, divisible and irrevocable.

Price adjustment:
A) Al2O3
If Al2O3 > 54%, the price will be increased for USD1/DMT for every 1% higher than 55%, pro rata.
If Al2O3 <52%, Buyer has the right to reject the cargo.

B) SiO2
If SiO2 ≤ 5,0%, the price will be increased for USD2/DMT

If SiO2 > 7%, Buyer has the right to reject the cargo

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