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Carbonyl iron powders with silica coating

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note_add 04/08/2010
update 04/08/2010
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Offer Description - Carbonyl iron powders with silica coating

Depending on the grade carbonyl iron powders with silica coating have a purity level from 97% to 98. 5%

Depending on the grade carbonyl iron powders with silica coating have a purity level from 97% to 98. 5% with the content of carbon from 0. 02% to 1. 2% , nitrogen level from 0. 01% to 0. 9% and oxygen- from 0. 2 to 0. 7% . Carbonyl iron powders with silica coating have the same properties as reduced and non- reduced grades but their specific qualities are determined by silicon dioxide. That benefits to higher strength and hardness of the end products.
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